The Singapore
Indian Development Association (SINDA) is a self-help group
(SHG), that was formed in August 1991 to address the pressing
educational and socio-economic issues facing the Indian community
in Singapore.
Between September 1990 and March 1991, the Action Committee
on Indian Education (ACIE) discussed issues facing the Indian
community. The ACIE presented a report, 'At The Crossroads'
to the Government in July 1991. This report highlighted the
educational under-performance of Indian students and recommended
wide-ranging remedial measures.
In this light, SINDA
aims to raise the educational performance of Indian students.
It also aims to promote family unity and helps in the social
and economic development of Singapore Indians.
Our Vision
To build a strong and vibrant Indian Singaporean Community
Our Mission
To build a well-educated, resilient and confident community
of Indians that stands together with other communities in contributing
to the progress of multi-racial Singapore.
Our Objectives
- To achieve parity in educational attainment with the national
average at every landmark examination, by the year 2010.
- To strengthen the family unit as the foundation of a socially
resilient community.
- To build a cohesive, caring and socially responsible community.
- To foster understanding of and cooperation with the other
communities in the pursuit of national aspirations.
NRI Organisation, Communities,
Associations in Singapore